expat network
US tax

Missing the October US Tax Deadline Could Cost You Your Passport

As the October 15th deadline approaches for US expats to file their taxes the IRS is increasing pressure on those who are not in compliance.  Greenback Expat Tax Services set out the risks and how to ensure you understand and comply with the requirements for expats. This article has been written exclusively for Expat Network...

tax compliance

Don’t Miss the US Tax Compliance Boat – OVDP Ends Sept 2018

If you are an American citizen or green card holder living abroad who has unreported assets and income, time is running out to take advantage of a critical Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) tax compliance program. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Kevin Sweeney, Senior Counsel, Chamberlain Hrdlicka Here’s why. Effective September 28, 2018, the...

Five Things American Expats Need To Know About Foreign Bank Account Reporting

If you live abroad, chances are you have heard about FBAR and FATCA—but do you really know what they are and whether or not you need to file? It’s important that you fully understand because the penalties for failing to file if required can be steep! So let’s take a look at the five things...