expat network

Finding Expat Schools In France

When deciding between a French school and an international school, parents have several factors to consider. A local school offers the advantages of acquiring fluency in French, broader acquaintanceships with French children and their culture. Young children typically adapt well to the French system, becoming comfortable within a matter of months. For older students, the...

Choosing A School When Expats Return To UK

When moving to a new expat posting, often the best-known expat school is the obvious choice for your child. Even when there are wider options, often these are restricted by where there are places, or where a company may have a fast-track debenture. By Fiona Hodgkins Perhaps the most complex and challenging school choice of...

Expats And Their Families Missing Support Network

New research by AXA’s international health insurance specialist has found that expats and their children are finding it difficult to be away from close friends and family. Two-fifths of expats and 32 per cent of their children cited that being away from their support network was one of the most difficult aspects of their transition...