expat network
tax changes

A Guide To Recent Tax Changes For Landlords

With the latest Budget fresh in everyone’s minds, it’s easy to lose track of the changes actually impacting landlords today.  For landlords who don’t have the time to keep abreast of every update to legislation, it’s hard to keep up and remain compliant. That’s why we’ve asked Mike Parkes from GoSimpleTax to weigh in on...

UAE: Workers Must Vacate Within 30 Days

The UAE Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has told employees living in accommodation provided by their employers to vacate it within 30 days after their service is finished, according to reports in Emirates 24|7. An HR executive with a leading UAE company, however, told Emirates 24|7 that employees can be given grace period...

New UK Tax Allowance Could Benefit Expat Homeowners

In the 2015 UK summer budget Chancellor George Osborne introduced his ‘family home allowance’, increasing the inheritance tax threshold to a potential £1m, and possibly benefitting expats By Jason Porter Inheritance tax is considered one of the most unfair taxes in the UK. So the fact that most family homes will now be exempt...