Mental Health Concerns Of Those Working From Home – New Survey
Mental health is getting more attention these days and with more people working from home the impact on mental health is a concern. Aetna International have carried out a survey to establish which health issues workers are most concerned about. The survey examines the perceptions of both employers and employees when it comes to corporate...
Expats Leading Healthier Lives During Lockdown
According to a survey by Aetna International into their experiences during lockdown expats are actively taking control of their physical health while they struggle with their mental health. 63.6% of expats admit that the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted their mental health and more than half of them would rather live in their home country during...
How To Find Your First Expat Job
The idea of finding a job abroad is very appealing for a wide range of reasons. For some people there are clear financial benefits and career-boosting opportunities. Others may find the idea of living abroad a romantic experience that should be seized at every opportunity. Written exclusively for Expat Network by Sabrina Bucknole on behalf...