Webinar Series Move to Spain
Recorded Spring 2021
Get the information and support you need. Navigate the new rules as you plan your move.
Please note – if you joined any of the webinars live, you should already be registered and can log in using your email address. Problems? email us at expats@expatnetwork.com

These will give you the opportunity to visit and tour the area you plan to move to and hear from a series of specialists about the practicalities of the move (legal and financial issues, banks, schools, settling in and how to get the best out of your life in Spain. We will arrange an individual personalised tour for you and your partner to see properties available to rent or buy to get a flavour for what properties are available or, if you are ready, to find the property you want to rent or buy. In view of ongoing Covid-19 safety measures these will arranged with appropriate safety measures and social distancing. We will advise dates and locations shortly, but you can register your interest without obligation now and we will give you more information as soon as they are available.
Please contact us with any questions or suggestions on expats@expatnetwork.com