expat network

Move to Portugal Webinar Series

Recorded Spring 2021

Move to Portugal in 2021

  We recorded this comprehensive webinar series in Spring 2021, aiming to cover all of the key issues you need to consider when planning your move to Portugal.   The pandemic response has meant that we have not yet been able to hold physical events in Portugal to support people planning their move to Portugal, but we plan to do so as soon as it becomes practical.   I hope these webinars are useful to you.  We are here to help you with your move and  if you have any questions or if we can use our extensive network to support you in your move, we would be very happy to hear from you at expats@expatnetwork.com.
  All the best Nigel Ayres

1: Moving To Portugal – What Can I Do Now to Prepare – Visas, Finance and Property?

Matthew Krystman, Partner, Blevins Franks Paula Meireles, Lawyer, Carvoeiro Advogados Luis da Silva, MD, Property Finder Portugal and Algarve Long Lets Brexit has changed the rules for Brits planning to move to Portugal and Covid-19 has created difficulties in being able to travel there. What can you do now to get ready to move when the current restrictions are lifted? What are the new visa and residence requirements?

2: Buying or Renting Your Home In Portugal – Everything You Need to Know To Secure Your New Home

Luis da Silva, MD, Property Finder Portugal Paula Meireles, Lawyer, Carvoeiro Advogados Jerremy Klingers, Mortgage Direct Tom Arnold, Commercial Director, Currency Index We will take you through which are the most popular areas to live in Portugal, the attractions of each, what sort of properties are available and the current state of the market in the region. Whether you are buying or renting a property in Portugal the procedures and rules are very different to what you are used to in the UK.

3: The Tax System, The Non Habitual Abode Scheme And Inheritance And Estate Planning In Portugal

Gavin Scott, Senior Partner, Blevins Franks Portugal If you move to Portugal and become tax resident in Portugal you will be subject to Portuguese tax.  The Non Habitual Residence Scheme provides opportunities to receive certain income tax-free or at a low rate of tax. Here we will give an overview of the Portuguese tax system so that you know what to expect and ensure you comply with the rules and understand how you can minimise the tax you pay.

4: Practicalities Of A Move To Portugal – Healthcare, Cars, Banking

Lena Gouviea, Ibex Insurance Services

When moving abroad one of the most important things whether you are working or retiring is ensuring you have access to good quality healthcare. This is just one of the things that need to be organised and we will help guide you through all of the practicalities.