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How To Deal With A Bad Boss Or Manager

a bad boss


While you may love your job, a bad boss can turn anything sour. If you think you have had a bad boss or manager, you’re not alone. Many people actually leave jobs because of their bosses instead of the actual job itself. Other people stay at their job for a variety of reasons and dread going to work, making themselves miserable for eight hours a day.




Written exclusively for Expat Network by Marné Amoguis of 365businesstips.com


People who stay in jobs with bad bosses or management typically experience burnout and emotional exhaustion, making it difficult to look for another job. Not only that, but many people stay because they love what they do.


Dealing with a Bad Boss

A toxic boss needs to be taken seriously. If you can’t get away from your boss, then there are some things you can do to make your life a little easier and avoid mental and emotional exhaustion. Some strategies depend on the type of bad boss you have. For example, some bosses can be bullies, while others are micromanagers. However, there are general approaches you can take in any situation.


Make Requests

If your boss hasn’t always been a bad boss, then you should try talking to them to see what’s going on. Your boss may not know they’re treating you poorly. Unfortunately, many bad bosses are not going to be open to hearing what your feedback is. Instead of telling them what they’re doing wrong, consider telling them how to do things right so you can get what you need for a healthier well-being. In many cases, your request will be about the type of support you need.

A good manager will lift you up and make you feel good about yourself and the work you do, while a bad manager will do the opposite. If you’re not getting the type of feedback you need, then imply what kind of feedback you need moving forward. For example, if you have a boss who tells you they don’t like your work, ask for them to give you more constructive feedback so you can do better next time and implement changes. Let them know about the type of feedback you need to do your job well, explain why you need that type of feedback, and explain how it will be beneficial to them.

For example, you can ask your boss to give you reasons for why they feel a certain way about your work so you can make changes that make you more efficient at your job.

When making requests of your boss, try to catch them when they’re in a good mood, and make sure you’re prepared for any type of reaction.


Have a Support Network

Are you being treated unfairly? Don’t feel like your salary is high enough? Having a bad boss can be frustrating, and it can make you feel emotionally exhausted. Having a support network can help you navigate through periods of stress. These individuals should be friends, family, or even coworkers you trust to help you manage stress and frustration.


Sleep Well

Let’s face it; bad bosses can make you angry. Not only do they add more stress to your daily work, but their personalities can be so toxic you constantly feel upset around them. Getting quality sleep can help you manage stress even when you can’t manage your bad boss. You can’t control how someone else behaves, but you can control how you treat yourself. Instead of letting a bad boss keep you up at night, make time to stop worrying about what happened at work so you can get a good night’s sleep.


Explore Other Opportunities

Ask around to see if your organization offers other opportunities where you can work in another department away from your boss. When asking around, don’t mention anything negative about your current role. Instead, be interested in other types of opportunities that might be available to you so you can find a way out.


Consult HR

If your bad manager or boss is making going to work feel like the last thing you want to do or you’ve noticed your mental health is suffering, then it’s time to talk to someone in your HR department. Make time to meet with someone and let them know about the issues you’re having with your boss.

Be prepared to explain what you’ve done to improve your relationship with your boss so they know what’s already been done. You never know when an HR manager can help you. While they may not be able to control your boss, they can talk directly to executives who might be able to help you.

In many cases, a boss is a boss because they’ve been at the company for a while and proved themselves, which means the higher-ups enjoy them and probably don’t care much about what someone else has to say. However, at the very least, you can let someone know that someone is making your work life miserable so they can be aware of a growing problem within their organization.


Know When to Quit

If you’ve tried everything from having a professional conversation with your boss to discussing your issues with HR and your bad boss doesn’t change or gets worse, then it’s time to go. It’s hard to think about, but in some cases, someone will tell your boss what you said about them, and they’ll take it out on you. You can’t always trust HR, which means you’re going to end up dealing with your boss alone.

It’s time to quit your job when you can’t seem to get excited about going to work anymore, or you feel unsafe at work. If you spend the time you’re home with family thinking about your boss and how they infuriate you, you’re in an unhealthy workplace.

Instead of feeling stuck in a job you love with a boss you hate, consider finding a new opportunity at another company. Try not to burn any bridges when you find another job and decide to put in your notice. Instead, let your boss or HR know why you’re leaving the company without bad-mouthing anyone. There are great companies out there that value company culture and having a healthy work environment, so it’s time to find one that best suits you.