Get Access To A British GP Without Returning To The UK

Written exclusively for Expat Network by Paul Barry, Managing Director of GP On Demand
With the installation of a new Prime Minister in Number 10 the seemingly never-ending Brexit saga continues leaving British citizens living in other EU countries uncertain about the future.
Back here in the UK, it seems we are making preparations for Boris’s “Do or die” No-Deal Brexit.
There are all sorts of opinions flying around as to what the implications of a no-deal Brexit would be.
One thing seems certain – nobody really knows for sure.
So, on a personal level, it would seem prudent to make our own individual preparations.
One of the most important issues, Brexit or no Brexit, is our health and our access to medical care.
A great bastion of British society would still seem to be the NHS. It must still be reasonable if even Donald Trump is inclined to insist it’s on the table in any new trade deal and our usually equivocal politicians are adamant that he can get that idea out of his head.
But in this period of Brexit uncertainty, there is one thing that can offer ex-Pats a bit of security in terms of access to health care –
GP on Demand expat ( .
Great as our NHS might be, it is under some strain and there are increasing problems and delays in making an appointment to see your GP.
So the demand for telephone and on-line access to a GP provided by private services in the UK is becoming increasingly popular.
Our own GP on Demand UK service is an example of that.
GP on Demand provides access by telephone to a UK based, NHS registered GP 24/7 365 days a year.
It also provides access to a video consultation between the hours of 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 p.m. (London time) for those consultations which would benefit from visual interaction.
There’s even a service that can deliver, at extra cost, prescriptions to your door.
And now this service is being made available to expats.
With GP’s registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) and with approval from the Care Quality Commission (CQC), this is a high-quality service that gives expats access to English speaking, UK based GP’s.
Even if Brexit was not on the horizon, the comfort the service provides is well worth having at your side.
And, just to round the service off, the whole family living with you is covered.
Just imagine being able to phone and speak to a UK GP in the middle of the night – deal or no deal.
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