‘Dream’ Locations Where Brits Will Be Working In 2025 And Beyond

A study by Jobseeker reveals UK residents who want to move overseas for work are choosing Australia as their most desired destination. David Overmars (career and resume specialist at Jobseeker), predicts Qatar, Norway, and Japan will become most popular among Brits moving abroad in 2025 following a surge in social interest.
New data has revealed Australia as the country Brits are most likely to relocate to in pursuit of a new job. Meanwhile, a potential move to Qatar, Norway, and Japan are breakout trends for 2025 highlighting the British job seekers’ desire for new beginnings.
According to the data, Australia is currently far and away the most popular destination for adventurous job seeking Brits — search interest in the UK for ‘job in Australia’ is almost double that of runner-up Qatar.
While Australia can be viewed as a traditional hotspot for Brits to move abroad (962,000 English expats were estimated to be residing in Australia in 2023), job search trends toward Qatar (+86%) alongside Norway (+82%) and Japan (+60%) have the fastest rate of interest this year showing a growing desire to live and work in less conventional places.
The most popular country for UK job seekers to work
Life ‘Down Under’ is a home away from home for many British job seekers, explaining why making the move permanent is so popular. In fact, English expats are the largest group living in Australia born overseas, followed by India and China. Many Brits can earn slightly more money doing the same job in Oz despite the cost of living being about the same. The average yearly salary for adults in Australia is 91,200 AU$ (£46,844), meanwhile, the average annual UK salary pre-tax is about £36,000 according to Forbes — which means Brits can earn up to about £10,000 a year more on average by making the move.
The UK’s breakout trends for 2025
Australia might be a UK job seeker’s dream destination for now. Still, the latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics show the country’s English population is “steadily decreasing” from a peak in 2013.
So, where are Brits heading next? Here are Jobseeker’s predictions of breakout locations for British job seekers looking for a life overseas in 2025 and beyond:
Qatar +86%
In Jobseeker’s study, the trend towards ‘jobs in Qatar’ observed the largest rate of growth in the UK (+86% in the past year). UK job seekers are becoming increasingly interested in Qatar for work, perhaps due to its high wages and rapid growth over recent years. Hospitality and tourism are major growth industries, while English is widely considered the language of business in the country (though understanding the Arabic language will come in handy). There is a small but strong UK expat community, with an estimated 20,000 British nationals living in Qatar today.
Norway +82%
The recent Human Development Index by the UN Development Programme ranks Norway as one of the best countries to live globally (behind only Switzerland). It’s quite easy, then, to understand why so many Brits are interested in making a permanent move right now — searches for ‘jobs in Norway’ have increased by 82% in the past year alone. Reports estimate about 16,000 UK citizens are currently living in Norway, with popular industries including fishing, tourism, mining, shipping, and textiles according to Prospects.
Japan +60%
Schemes such as the Working Holiday Visa are making Japan more accessible to the outside world (though work isn’t the primary intention of the visa). Many reports — including a recent article in TimeOut — indicate that Japan is the fastest-growing travel destination among younger generations, with data in this study suggesting people now want to start establishing a life there. There has been a surge in interest among UK job seekers as demand for the term ‘jobs in Japan’ has increased by 60% over the past year.
While some Brits are looking for a job overseas, many countries also see the United Kingdom as a dream destination for work including Australians and the United States. Take a look at where people around the world want to relocate the most:
Speaking about the study and the mobility of talent around the world, David Overmars, career and resume specialist at Jobseeker comments:
“Moving away from a hometown or country to pursue a career opportunity is a significant moment in a job seeker’s life. There are various reasons why someone makes the momentous decision to take that leap. It could be to chase a dream job, gain a sense of independence, itch a sense of adventure or simply create an environment where the cost of living feels more manageable and obtain a stronger work-life balance.
Job seekers also often move away from their hometown to a location where their skillset is highly valued. Despite the concept of asynchronous or remote working being more commonplace in people’s professional lives, job seekers are still moving to find new roles. Location remains an essential factor, both in embracing a specific sector such as tech or healthcare and establishing a healthy work-life balance. The global job market has never been more accessible, with people now embracing a desire to travel when it comes to finding their ideal career. In the coming years, we’re expecting to see more people considering relocation to other countries when making their next career move”