Customs Requirements For Entry To Spain

They must have a certificate of change of residence issued by the shipper’s Embassy/Consulate at origin, stating that the importer has been registered as resident at origin for a period of at least 365 days and that he or she is changing the residence to Spain.
Goods must arrive no later than three months after the owner’s arrival. Three-month extensions may be granted if shipments are delayed; contact Spanish Customs for information.
Furniture and possessions must ‘conform to the social bearing’ of the importer. Duty is levied on new goods, and fines may be imposed for failing to declare them.
EU citizens should contact their shipping agent for information about an EORI number (Economic Operators Registration and Identification number).
Shipments must be accompanied by a document of your registration at the local town hall that certifies your place of residence. The importer is required to sign a document agreeing not to transfer, sell, or lease any of the listed effects for a period of 12 months.
The Spanish consulate can provide detailed instructions on obtaining customs duty exemptions. The following documents are necessary:
- An application addressed to the customs administrator where clearance is to be made
- Inventory list stamped by a Spanish consulate in the country of origin, in Spanish, in duplicate, including approximate value, especially on electric appliances and objects used in a person’s profession or employment
- A statement that the objects have been owned for at least six months
- A legalised copy of the work/residence permit.
Customs may start the clearance procedure before these documents can be obtained against a bank guarantee or cash deposit for the relevant import duties, if the application for the work/residence permit can be supplied along with the Identity Number for Foreigners (NIE). This guarantee will be returned when the documents are furnished. You can lose this exemption if you give away or sell any of the possessions before one year has elapsed after clearance. There may be an inspection.
Motor Vehicles
Cars, motorcycles, spare parts, etc. may be brought into Spain for a maximum of six months, if they are not to be used for commercial purposes. This period can be extended at the discretion of the customs agency, Direccion General de Aduanas. The same requirements apply as for household goods, e.g. the certificate showing change of residence to Spain.
Restricted items
Unless prior authorisation is obtained from the local district police, all firearms and ammunition are prohibited. Hunting arms may be temporarily imported and must be declared upon arrival.
For the most current information on customs regulations, contact the nearest Spanish consulate or Direccion General de Aduanas; information can be found on the website of the tax agency, Agencia Tributaria.
- Information courtesy of Living Abroad,