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Benefits And Challenges Of Hiring International Expat Workers

Hiring International Expat Workers

The professional work environment has begun to change drastically. Nowadays, more and more workers prefer the option of working remotely. There are multiple highlighting reasons that depict the benefits of remote work for both employees and companies. However, challenges are also present and appear in certain aspects of this newly introduced work format.  Thus, the question arises; how do companies balance the benefits and challenges that come with the remote work format when hiring international expat workers?



How is remote work beneficial?

To better understand this issue, we must first understand why working remotely is preferred by both companies and employees. For one, costs are heavily reduced by not having to rent offices and provide office supplies. Additionally, there are no operational bills that must be addressed and hence management becomes easier. On the other hand, employees enjoy the benefit of not having to commute to work while also having the opportunity to exercise multiple flexible options that are typically offered in such a remote working environment.

What are the challenges of establishing a remote work program?

Even though a number of benefits are associated with a remote work plan, challenges are too present and persistent. Most of the challenges in a remote work environment include:

  • Management issues
  • Maintaining solid communication channels
  • Understanding the international aspect of the remote work format
  • Punctuality and reachability with regard to employees and the fulfillment of their tasks

These are some of the most common challenges faced in a remote work environment, and worth noting is that these challenges become increasingly difficult when the remote team is of an international composition.


How are such challenges overcome?

When it comes to addressing the issue of management and punctuality, there are certain methods that can be implemented to solve this problem. However, the bigger issue in this case is that of having an international expat team. Such a team requires additional care and attention as members of the team are likely used to different work traits and have each their personal likings and work habits.

Thus, understanding the work ethic of each team member in relation to their background is of key importance. This is an issue that must be addressed in the recruitment stage, and the help of international PEOs has been proven to be successful. For example, if a certain company is in search of remote employees in Turkey, a PEO company in Turkey can aid in explaining the typical traits of Turkish employees and recruiting employees that suit the company’s requirements.

Maintaining an established remote work environment

Assuming that success has been achieved in recruiting and establishing an international expat team of employees, the next challenge comes in maintaining the team and ensuring its success. This may become a burdensome task if adequate maintenance methods and techniques are not applied. Such techniques include:

  • Regular team briefings
  • An accurate implementation of human resources
  • Adequate compensation
  • Continuous development of the employees
  • A clear depiction of accountability and responsibility
  • The establishment of a welcoming aura and joint work environment


Better understanding the need for expat teams and their benefits

Earlier, we went through the operational benefits of hiring international expat teams. Now, we must come to fathom the overall benefits that remote work introduces to a team environment. For one, employees are happier working from their homes and this affects their performance. Simultaneously, employee satisfaction equals company satisfaction as the desired balance is achieved. Additionally, this means that a higher employee peek performance can be maintained for longer periods due to both parties having their needs met.

Key takeaways from the benefits and challenges of international expat teams

We have come to understand that establishing remote teams comes with added benefits and challenges. Nonetheless, the benefits tend to outweigh the challenges and provide a desirable environment for both the employees and the hiring company. As such, if the adequate and proposed measures are implemented accordingly during the process of forming such teams, the end goal will result in a successful, well-organized, self-motivated, and persistent international expat team. Understanding that the setting of such teams is typically of an international composition, contracting international PEOs will immensely aid during the recruitment, establishment, and implementation process.