Basic Guideline About Facebook and Instagram Posts

Social media has changed people’s perception of communication and interaction. Nowadays, you can’t outrun the presence of media outlets like Instagram and Facebook. Although the intent behind these social media platforms is good, some malicious individuals choose to use them to spread misinformation, hate, cyberbullying, and bigotry.
That’s why the people in charge of these platforms have decided to develop guidelines that help mitigate the bad effects these platforms might cause. Below, we will review some of the basic rules in detail.
Be Authentic
Both Facebook and Instagram encourage individuals to be their best selves on social media when making posts. Unfortunately, many people nowadays take that advice the wrong way and begin putting on a façade or building a cult of personality around a certain idea.
We won’t go into the details for why that is, but the important thing here is to make posts that offer real value to the community. Avoid hate speech in your posts and try to follow up on what people are commenting on. When replying, always remember that the person behind the screen might be going through any number of issues, so being rational when discussions get heated is a great quality to internalize.
Frequent Posting Is Okay
If you are a brand, an established entity, or even someone who wants to talk about an interesting topic, it’s completely okay to make frequent posts. In fact, people who make money on Instagram and Facebook can’t do without that.
Borderline spamming is not allowed. If your posts include spammy content, they will be removed. You might even get banned from accessing certain communities or even your profile if things get out of hand. The most important rule here is to avoid sounding like a bot in your posts.
Creativity is Encouraged
Generic and original content attracts people on social media. Facebook and Instagram allow most content to be uploaded on their platforms, except for anything that might result in creating problems among people. So, if someone wants to get creative with posting political news that’s heavily edited and taken out of context, they will get immediately banned.
Make Sure Your Profile Is Secure
With the rise of cybercrime everywhere, it has become a necessity to secure accounts on every website that you sign up for. Instagram and Facebook are especially aggressive about meeting their security standards.
It’s advisable to have a two-factor authentication ready, in addition to a second Gmail account and a working phone number in case anything goes sideways. Also, be wary of receiving links or messages that appear suspicious. Never click on anything unless you’re sure it’s from a trustable source.
Use Other Forms of Media
These include videos and visual content, which are the cornerstone of effective usage of Facebook and Instagram. Applying some common sense can build a following quickly because visual content is an excellent way to attract people.
Be sure to pick a good thumbnail before you start posting videos. Stories are also super useful when you want to share something quickly. For instance, you can use Facebook and Instagram story maker that save time when thinking about ideas. You can post anything if the content doesn’t get flagged for being offensive.
Explore Hashtags
Perhaps the unique invention that social media platforms popularized is hashtags. They are used for cross-referencing content that might appear in several places simultaneously. Hashtags can invite other people to comment on what you are doing, tag places or certain moments to emphasize them, or be used as a marketing tool to allow people to look up something quickly by writing down a keyword with the # in front.
As always, make sure you don’t go overboard with hashtags because using them too much is considered a form of spam and might get you into trouble.
The Finish Line
Effective social media usage is necessary if you want to succeed in business. From making posts to commenting on others’ posts, you can be sure the people in charge of Instagram and Facebook have thought up certain rules to keep things civilized.
When marketing yourself, ensure you present an authentic version of yourself or your product. Never argue with people online or get into hate speech contests because it never ends well for anyone. The tools these two platforms provide can be used however you want if you don’t have malicious intent. Lastly, stay safe online all the time.