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Stuck Overseas During A Pandemic? Here’s What You Should Do

stuck overseas
In this age of uncertainty, many worry about international travel. What if they are stuck overseas during a pandemic? Here is what you should do if so.


Keep Up With Travel News

Keeping up with travel news is key to your own personal safety. There are a lot of details during a pandemic. Rules can change in a matter of hours. You need to know when a travel ban is made and when it is lifted.

How do you keep on top of pandemic news when traveling internationally?

Find a reliable source. Ideally, there are often English-language newspapers that are geared towards those who are non-residents like you.

A local paper is another option. Using such tools as Google Chrome can automatically translate an article into English.


What If You Need Money?

With a pandemic, you may suddenly find you need to buy a brand-new airline ticket or add another unexpected expense. How do you prepare?

Be sure to download a money transfer app. For example, a Western Union app can help you get or send funds internationally, and easily.

For example, if you’re in another country such as India, your family could send money to India from Australia with ease. This can help you survive a quarantine or travel ban crisis.


Contact The Embassy

Be sure to contact your local embassy. The embassy has the ability to help you in case of an evacuation or quarantine.

Be sure to sign up for alerts. You will receive emails if any information pertinent to your situation should occur.

Your embassy will also share the latest information on regulations and rules. Be sure to keep up-to-date on this information. You do not want to be out past a curfew.

They also share information on who can enter a country. There can be a ban during a pandemic. Borders could be shut. Your local embassy will have the latest information.

In addition, the embassy has information on whether flights are still running.

The embassy also shares information should you not be compliant. If you should not follow the rules, they will share what the consequences are. No matter what country you are from, you must always follow the rules of the country you are visiting.


Keep In Contact With Family

Immediately establish a routine to keep in contact with your family. You can use free apps to communicate. This can be much cheaper than a long-distance phone call.

What are some of the options? Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger are just a few, free options to keep in touch with your family. You can both send messages and audio or video chat with family members.


Join Expat Social Media Group

Look for expat groups on Facebook. You can search by your country, your continent or your language. This is a good source of information. Expats are always happy to share links, tips and advice.

Generally, the only requirement to join an expat group is to request membership. You may be required to agree to some rules. They could include not selling services and agreeing to not talk about politics or religion.

The world is a fast-changing place. Knowing you can be safe, get money and know the rules can help you navigate challenging times abroad.