6 Key Strategies For Expats To Drive Customer-Led Growth In Their Business

Expats are often tasked with leading the growth of a company and its brand in new regions. This is an exciting, but also challenging task that requires different skills from those required in a domestic setting. Expats must learn to think like a local marketer, understand the culture of their host country and find ways to connect with customers in their new home. In this article we will share the top strategies for driving customer-led growth as an expat entrepreneur or leader:
Focus on your customer
In order to drive customer-led growth, it is important to understand your customers and their needs. You need to know what they want and need from you, how they are likely to respond and what kind of marketing messages will resonate with them.
The best way for you as a business owner or manager to do this is by conducting customer research. There are many ways in which you can conduct customer research – from using surveys and focus groups through social media channels such as Facebook groups or LinkedIn groups where people who have similar interests can share ideas with each other.
If you want to conduct customer research, there are several things that you can do. The first step is to identify your target market. This might seem like an obvious thing to do but it is important because it will determine how you approach your customer research and what kind of information you collect.
One helpful tool in this process can be the use of a growth marketing strategy template. These templates can provide a systematic way to identify your market and explore potential growth opportunities in an organized fashion, which can be immensely helpful for expats navigating new and different market landscapes.
Understand how to reach your target audience
Once you understand your target audience, the next step is to reach them. In order to do this effectively, it’s important to have a clear picture of who your audience is and how they behave.
For example:
- What types of content do they like?
- What are their interests?
- What are their pain points?
Once you have this information, it’s time to think about how you can reach the people who will benefit from your product. This is where marketing comes in.
Plan your launch
In order to ensure your launch goes smoothly, you’ll need to plan it. This is an important step that can be overlooked by many startups.
Planning your launch will allow you to:
- Identify what the most important elements of your business are and how they fit into the overall strategy for growth (and success).
- Build out a timeline for each part of the process–from ideation through execution–so everyone involved knows what needs doing when and by whom.
Create a plan for communicating your launch to the world. Identify potential issues that could arise and how you’ll handle them.
Choose the right channels for your marketing
Once you’ve identified your target market, it’s time to choose the right channels for your business. In order to do this, you need to consider a number of factors:
- What are the most relevant online and offline channels for reaching them?
- What are the most cost-effective ways of reaching them?
- What kind of content will resonate with them most effectively in each channel, and how can we produce it on an ongoing basis without breaking the bank (and without compromising quality)?
The answer to these questions will vary from business to business and industry to industry, but there are some general guidelines that you can follow.
For example, if you’re targeting a younger demographic, they’re more likely to spend time on social media rather than traditional websites. If your target market is older and more conservative, they may be more inclined to read articles in print publications or watch videos posted on YouTube rather than engaging with social media.
Once you’ve identified your target market and determined which channels are best suited for reaching them, it’s time to figure out how these different channels will fit into your overall marketing strategy. This can be accomplished by creating a content calendar that outlines the topics you’ll cover in each channel over the course of a year—and then setting up specific goals for each topic so that you can measure the success of each piece of content when it goes live.
Keep track of your performance and make improvements as you go
Once you have a marketing strategy in place, the next step is to keep track of your performance and make improvements as you go.
It’s important to regularly review how well your business is performing. Having a clear picture of where things stand will allow you to identify areas for improvement and make changes accordingly. For example, if one of your goals was increasing revenue from paid advertising channels by 20%, but revenue was actually down 5% over last month (or quarter), then it’s time for some adjustments!
You can use an analytics dashboard like Google Analytics or Kissmetrics to see which channels are driving traffic and conversions, how much money each channel is bringing in (and how much profit), etc.. This will help guide future decisions about which channels need more focus or investment so that they can be optimized further down the line.
Keep an eye on the competition and iterate accordingly in order to stay ahead of them.
As an expat, you may be working in a different industry than your home market and therefore have little experience with what’s happening in the local market. It’s important to keep an eye on what other players are doing so that you can stay abreast of changes and innovations that could impact your business model or strategy.
Keep track of major competitors by monitoring their websites, social media accounts and trade publications (such as industry journals). This will help you understand their strengths and weaknesses as well as their strategy going forward so that when it comes time for you to innovate or pivot yourself, there will be no surprises!
You can maximize your chances of succeeding with a customer-led growth strategy.
To ensure your customer-led growth strategy is successful, you need to focus on your customers and what they want. You also need to know who they are and where they can be found.
This means understanding how your target audience communicates, where they hang out online, and how best to reach them with the right message at the right time. In addition, it’s important that you plan for launch by choosing the right channels for marketing (such as social media) and keeping track of performance so that improvements can be made as needed based on feedback from customers or competitors’ activity in the space.
The customer-led growth strategy is a powerful tool that can help you build a better business. By focusing on your customers and understanding how they behave, plan your launch, choose the right channels for marketing, keep track of performance, and iterate accordingly in order to stay ahead of competitors, you can maximize your chances of succeeding with this approach.