Working Overseas? Here’s The Latest Expat Intelligence
Welcome to the May edition of the Expat Network newsletter, full of the latest news affecting those living and working overseas and for those planning a move abroad.
In this edition we look at the latest job offers open to those wishing to work overseas. Below in Featured Jobs we detail just a fraction of the employment opportunities we hold on our database, classified by industry.
Also important for those willing and able to work overseas is to keep track of where new contracts are being awarded. Below in Contract News we showcase just a few of the many contract details loaded on our website.
In this edition you will also find introductions to special features on New Zealand, how it is drawing in record numbers of migrants and is trying to attract IT specialists.
We hope you enjoy this newsletter. We welcome your thoughts on other topics you would like us to cover. Or do you have your own tale to tell about expat life? Let us know.
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Featured Jobs
Here are links, by industry, to some of the hundreds of job opportunities featured on the jobs board at expatnetwork.com, which is updated every working day. If you are in any of these industries, please click through for further details. You can also search by recruiter here. You can also browse by Industry using the buttons below.
Sales Manager - Various Locations - This job is suitable for expats living in South America and Caribbean, but not restricted to.
Head Pipeline Engineer - Qatar - For Bal Hanine redevelopment (offshore)
Various Positions - Qatar - Brunel Energy
Architect Engineer, Oil & Gas - Sweden
Team Leader / TA Roads, Civil & Infrastructure - Africa
Commissioning Engineer, Mining Project - Namibia
Rail Interface Engineer, Iconic Rail Project - Vietnam
Quantity Surveyor, Commercial - United Kingdom
EHSS Engineer, Power Plant Construction - Philippines
Control & Instrument Technicians, Power - Rwanda
Safety Supervisor, Oil & Gas - Kuwait

Contract News
All the latest news for expat contractors is loaded every working day at expatnetwork.com. Here is just a small selection of the latest contract awards. If any of these interest you just click through from the heading.
New Zealand 1: Desperate For IT Specialists
The IT industry in New Zealand is growing rapidly, generating an estimated 3,000 new jobs each year. These roles aren’t being filled by existing training initiatives, even though there are more IT graduates coming through the system, so companies are looking to skilled migrants as new employees.
New Zealand 2: Record Number Of Migrants
Recent figures show that New Zealand’s annual net-migration gain once again hit record levels. There have been record net gains for nineteen consecutive months. According to Statistics New Zealand data, the annual net gain of migrants hit 67,400 in the year to the end of February 2016.
Know Your Law And Rights In Dubai
An institute designed to educate expat employees in the emirate of the country’s laws and informing them of their rights and duties has been launched. The Workforce Training Institute is currently in its preliminary stage of training Dubai’s blue collar workers, but by 2018 it is set to train expat employees across all sectors in the emirate.
Expats’ Love-Affair With China Over?
Expat workers in China are coming to some hard decisions to stay or to leave - given higher living costs, air pollution and companies cutting labour costs. But can China remain a land of opportunity for expats?
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UAE Workers Told To Get Out Within 30 Days
Workers in the United Arab Emirates are being told to vacate employer-funded accommodation within 30 days of their service ending. But there may be ways round this with grace periods granted in certain cases.
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Healthcare For Expats In Australia
Moving to Australia has been a popular choice for expatriates for generations. Apart from one of the strongest economies in the world and wonderful natural assets, Australia offers a high quality healthcare system. Australians are in great hands when it comes to medical care; but what provisions have been made for expatriates living in the country?
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Best Savings Rates In Expat Banking
The best offering for sterling offshore savers is Standard Bank’s 1.40%, if you have £10,000 and can give 196 days’ notice of withdrawals. For dollars, Standard Bank pays 1% for $10,000 or more, with 196 days’ notice. Nationwide International is best for euros, paying 0.65% for €25,000 or more, with instant access.
The only way to beat these rates is to lock your money away for longer. If you can leave at least £5,000 untouched for two years then 1.50% annual interest is on offer from NatWest International.
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Doing Business Effectively Around The World
An online service aims to make it easier for you to conduct business effectively as an expat in different parts of the world. GlobeSmart is a resource to assist you to fit into unfamiliar business environments.
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New Health Insurance Plan Just For Expats
The new plan is aimed at the ‘traditional’ longer-term expat who is looking for a cost-effective solution to medical insurance. It offers three plan options across three areas of cover and is available to new applicants of any age.
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Read Your Free Expat Living Magazine
The Spring edition of Expat Living magazine is now available to read completely free of charge. You can learn about relocating to the USA and Hong Kong, the property markets of Cyprus and Malta, and much more about the expat experience.
Remember To Register!
Sign up for free at the Expat Network to enjoy the following benefits: access the latest overseas jobs; get help with writing winning CVs and social media profiles; and upload your CV so that our unique network of recruiters and employers can find you.
You will also find expert answers to the most frequently asked expat questions and receive regular news bulletins on contract awards and other expat news. Registration is free of charge – and you can unsubscribe at any time.
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The Expat Network
Expat Jobs, Money & Tax, Insurance and News for Contractors Working Overseas. Click Here. | | |